
Mercy is forever (ความเมตตาเป็นตลอดไป) by Myoma Myint Kywe ၿမိဳ ႔မ ျမင့္ၾကြယ္

Mercy is forever   (ความเมตตาเป็นตลอดไป)
Researched by-  Myoma Myint Kywe ၿမိဳ ႔မ ျမင့္ၾကြယ္
นักเขียนและนักประวัติศาสตร์และหัวหน้าครู ของคาราเต้ 

Be good to yourself. You will train other people to do the same!

Once we have the ability to mercy to others, or mercy ourselves, we are on the way to once again exist in that reality of pure love. We all need mercy. We need to offer mercy to each other and be willing to receive it from each other. Metta can make you happy. Tender mercy can make you happy. Buddha's universal mercy is infinite and endless. Buddha taught us universal Truth.

Buddha was born BC 623. Buddha taught us how to practice Metta/mercy meditation and kindness to others since BC 588. Lord Buddha attained enlightenment and became Supreme Buddha at the age of 35 (BC 588). Buddha was died (Parinirvana) at the age of 80 in BC 543. Lord Buddha taught the truth for 45 years until his final passing away into Nibbana (Parinirvana) on a full moon day in 543 BC.

Mercy is the practice of meditation as taught by kindness and friendliness. Buddha since BC 588 (2,602 years ago), it is an important component of the wisdom of Buddhist teachings and practices in their everyday use in life.

No love no human
No mercy no success
No mercy no charity
No mercy no humanity
No mercy no goodness
No mercy no heart
No mercy no benevolence
No mercy no glory

Once again exist in that reality of pure love. Mercy is a prime essential to everyone. Metta is a prime essential to everyone.

One must have love (metta) and respect for one's own country, religion, literature, family, culture, nationality for all in the same way. They love and respect to their country, their religion, their literature, their family, their culture and their nationality.  Pure love (Metta) and forgiveness are most famous of Buddhism. Forgiving someone can be difficult. Why do we need to forgive others? How can we forgive a person? The Bible can provide us with answers, inspiration and direction. Then the teaching of Buddha can provide us with answers, inspiration and direction.

"Avoid all evils; do all good things; purify one's mind. These are the summary of the teachings of Buddha". Besides avoiding all evils and doing all that are good, we need to purify our thoughts. When our thoughts have been purified, then the mind is pure. The purpose of learning and practicing Buddhism is to purify the human mind. If the mind of everyone in the family is pure, then our home is pure; if the mind of everyone in this society is pure, then our society is pure; if the mind of everyone in the country is pure, then our land is pure; if the entire human race in the world is pure.

According to the Buddha teachings, our thoughts determine who we are. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him”.

"Do not dwell in the past; do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."

It is my wish that all people should appreciate:

1. A language and another language
2. A nationality and another nationality,
3. A culture and another culture,
4. A religious doctrine and another religious doctrine,
5. A family and another family,
6. A community and another community,
7. A political party and another political party,
8. Between one country and another country,
9. An ethnic group and another ethnic group,
10. Between parents and children
11. Between teacher and pupils,
12. Between youth and adults,
13. Between government and people,
14. Between employers and employees,
15. Between husband and wife,
16. Between seller and buyer,
17. Between owner and worker,
18. Between brother and sister,
19.  Between senior and junior,
20.  Between rich man and poor man,
21.  Between eastern world and western world,
22. Between western culture and eastern culture,
23. White persons and black person,
24. Yellow persons and brown persons,
25. Tall man and short man,
26. Patient persons and short tempered persons,
27. High class persons and low class persons,
28. Healthy persons and sickly persons,
29. Kind person and inhumane person,
30. Polite man and rude man,
31. Male and female,
32. Optimists and pessimists,
33. Beautiful persons and ugly persons,
34. Good moral behavior and bad moral behavior,
35. Good man and wicked man,
36. Educated person and uneducated person,
37. Right understanding and wrong understanding,
38. Right thinking and wrong thinking, etc as it is in the World we found on sundry ways and diversity.

There are various religions as Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam as in the World. One must have love and respect for one's own country, religion, literature, family, culture, nationality for all in the same way. They love and respect to their country, their religion, their literature, their family, their culture and their nationality.

There are different kinds of countries, races, thoughts, religions, such as Chinese/China, Indian/India, Burmese/Burma, Thai/Thailand, English/England, Japanese/ Japan, American/U.S.A and Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Muslim. These factors were very important of the World and everyone. It must not be neglected. It must not be insulted. We should show respect to other. The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart.

We need to demonstrate respect for each other and for relationships, not for power and control. We need to win other’s respect, not try to demand or force it. By force respect might bring compliance but it doesn’t build true respect for each other. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.

All human beings are equal in dignity and rights. We should appreciate others as much as we can. But the essential factor is not races, religions, positions, etc.

Mental attitude, honesty, diligence, character, unity, patience, justice, optimism, forgiveness, love, mercy, peace, open-minded, sacrifice, humility, moral ethics, etc are more important above all.

One must be able to one self analyze. Each and every one of us should follow and live according to the teachings of one's own religion. The one who does not respect another's culture and religion does not respect his own. The one who respects another's culture and religion respects his own.

All the teachings concerning culture, thoughts, opinion, beliefs and practices are valuable in their own ways. The important factor is that the follower of the concerned religion must follow the teachings sincerely. Although I, myself a Theravada Buddhist, I obey the teachings of Lord Buddha, but I appreciate the teachings of other religions and the appreciation of other nationalities and their culture are all noble and valuable in their own way.

There cannot be 100% similarities among religions, nationalities, any opinions, cultures, philosophies, skin hues, mental attitudes, sex, language, political, social origin, property, visions of people in the World. There would be more beneficence from performance of seeing with love and sympathetic mind (with optimistic view) for a particular thing rather than blaming or extreme criticize (with a pessimistic view) in contrast to others. Look on the bright side, please.

Now love to these should be kind, tender, and affectionate, reciprocal and mutual; such should love one another; there should be no love wanting on either side; and it ought to be universal, and reach to all the saints, though of different gifts, light, knowledge and experience, or whether high or low, rich or poor; and should show itself by bearing one another's burdens, bearing with, and forbearing each other, forgiving one another, and by edifying one another in their most holy faith, and praying with, and for one another.

Every cloud has a silver lining means that you should never feel hopeless because difficult times always lead to better days. Difficult times are like dark clouds that pass overhead and block the sun. When we look more closely at the edges of every cloud we can see the sun shining there like a silver lining. Every cloud has a silver lining means that the sun shining at the edges of every cloud reminds us that every difficult situation has a bright side. Look on the bright side, please.

Pessimistic people are more likely to be depressed, fail, be poor achievers, have poor health (especially as we age) and suffer electoral defeat! Optimists handle stress better, bounce back from setbacks more quickly, have better health, sell more, achieve more and are more creative - among many other things!

The English culture is best for the English, while the Burmese culture is good for the Burmese. The Indian culture is also best for the Indian people, while the Chinese culture is good for the Chinese people. Likewise, Christians must obey the teachings of the Bible, Buddhists must obey the teaching of Buddhism, Hindus must obey the teachings of the Hinduism and Muslims must obey the teachings of Quran.

Following points should be observed to do.......
1. Pure mind
2. Good behavior
3. Politeness and gentleness
4. Loving kindness to others
5.Good perseverance
6. Skillful at work
7. Excellent performance
8. Study skillful in education
9. Self discipline
10. Self confidence
11. Self respect
12. Self control
13. Compassion
14. Forgiveness
15. Humanitarian vision
16. Tolerance
17. Humility
18. Honesty
19. Scientific hypothesis
20.  Scientific simplicity
21. Optimistic view
22. Reasonable thinking
23. Humanism and justice
24. Mutual respect
 25. Mutual understanding
26. Truthfulness
27. Mental attitude
28. Sympathy
29. Abide by the laws
30. Logical arrangement
31. Piety
32. Relaxation
33. Peace and security
34. Respect and appreciate of others.
35. Refrain from being extreme
36. Refrain from all evil
37. To do what is good
38. Respect and recognition for the human rights and human dignity others.

These above good qualities are necessary to be perfect.

May there be happiness and peace for those who are living in the World.
May there be love, respect, forgiveness, humility, for each and everyone.
May we be free from mental suffering.
May we be free from physical suffering.
May All Beings Be Well, Secure & Happy!

=== May there be happiness and peace for those who are living in the World===

Hate is not conquered by hate:
Hate is conquered by love. This is eternal law.
                                                                                           - Buddha-

The Dhammapada in Buddhism says:
·         Conquer anger by pure love/metta
·         Conquer hate by pure love/metta
·         Conquer evil by good
·         Conquer the miser by generosity
·         Conquer gossip by patience
·         Conquer arrogance by humility
·         Conquer war by peace
·         Conquer enemy by forgiveness
·         Conquer the liar by truth.

The mind is almost always impure, and it almost always brings in bad thoughts. Even when it is not doing this, the mind is still a victim to doubt, jealousy, hypocrisy, fear and other unholy qualities. Meditation can be said to purify the mind by making it easier to develop generosity and compassion, and then to finally acquire wisdom. Meditation can be said to be the highest form of Buddhist practice as the Buddha himself attained Enlightenment through meditation.

Hence, it is evident that all the religions of the world bestow upon us the way to success, prosperity and happiness. In my opinion, if all of us sincerely obey the teachings accordingly, the World would be a happy place to live.

Buddha says: “Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.”  

You shall love your neighbor as yourself!
To understand everything is to forgive everything! 

The Buddha teachings are all about understanding that the source of all love and wisdom is within our self. Almost people claim that Buddhism is the most peaceful religion in the world. Some Many scientists say that Buddhism is more scientific than modern science. So Buddhism is the most scientific religion in the world.

Like science, Buddhism is based on verifiable cause-and-effect relationships. The famous Kalama Sutta of Buddhism states that one cannot believe fully in "what one is taught, tradition, hearsay, scripture, logic, inference, appearance, agreement with established opinion, the seeming competence of a teacher, or even in one's own teacher". Buddha said that “you must not believe anything which you cannot test yourself.” Buddhism challenges everything, including Logic and Science. Then Buddhism is neither pessimistic nor optimistic but a realistic religion.

The three root sufferings, called the three poisons, are (1) greed, (2) anger, and (3) delusion.
Everybody must abstain from self liberates the heart from greed hatred and delusion and opens the mind to wisdom and the heart to kindness and compassion.

We need to offer forgiveness if we do harm. We need to take that most challenging step to begin the process of recovery, the process of reconciliation. When we offer forgiveness the person who has been hurt has the opportunity to begin the process of returning to love. We need to accept the offer as soon as possible and work towards repairing the relationship. We often need to forgive ourselves. This can be quite difficult. We need to learn to accept our own forgiveness and move on, just as we do when accepting forgiveness from others or when we offer others forgiveness.

“To let bygones be bygones” means to forgive another person and have them forgive you for whatever hurts you may have caused each other. Then, allow the unpleasant things that have happened in the past to be forgotten. (Let bygones be bygones: Forgive someone for something he (or) she did in the past and something that you say in order to tell someone to forget about unpleasant things/ bad-things that have happened in the past).

Actually, forgiveness is not only about others, but also about our own spiritual growth. Love and forgiveness cannot be separated.
Mercy and forgiveness are direct manifestations of true love in any human being. All human beings are capable of mercy and forgiveness. More even, mercy and forgiveness, a full pardon toward all, is the easiest, fastest and most relieving act you can commit. There are a lot of people out there that have had hard lives, bad beginnings/moments. Forgive those who have done you wrong. Most importantly, though, forgive yourself.

To forgive others and to be forgiven ourselves is quite a challenging experience! Yet, this is essential for the repairing of any loving relationship. Once we have the ability to forgive others, or forgive ourselves, we are on the way to once again exist in that reality of love - the meaning of life.

We would like to tell you that forgiveness is one of the Laws of the Universe. It is essential! It is one of the laws that govern this world. Forgiveness in a relationship of love is essential. We all make mistakes and we must make amends and fix the relationship with pure love (Metta).

Metta (pure love) is one of the Four Brahma Viharas. Brahma in this case has been translated as divine (or) noble. The word – as qualified in the path of purification – is meant in the sense of best and immaculate. This is because being best and immaculate is the best attitude towards beings and those who practice it have clean minds like those of the Brahma gods.

Vihara means abiding and living. And so those who practice these are said to be abiding or living in the divine or noble way.
The Four Brahma Viharas are
1. Metta: (loving kindness displayed to all you meet)
2. Karuna: (compassion or mercy, the special kindness shown to those who suffer)
3. Mudita: (sympathetic joy, being happy for others, without a trace of envy)
4. Upekkha: (equanimity or levelness, the ability to accept others as they are)

These four are attitudes towards other beings. They are also favorable relationships. They can also be extended towards an immeasurable scope of beings and so are called immeasurable. These four are important in all schools of Buddhism.

Finally one can also proceed on to the specified and unspecified pervasion of Karuna in the 10 directions.

1. May all beings be free from suffering
2. May all living things be free from suffering
3. May all creatures be free from suffering
4. May all individuals be free from suffering
5. May all personalities be free from suffering
6. May all females be free from suffering
7. May all males be free from suffering
8. May all deities be free from suffering
9. May all humans be free from suffering
10. May all unhappy states be free from suffering

===10 Directions===
1. In the Easterly direction
may all beings be free from suffering
2. In the Westerly direction
may all beings be free from suffering
3. In the Northerly direction
may all beings be free from suffering
4. In the Southerly direction
may all beings be free from suffering
5. In the South-Easterly direction
may all beings be free from suffering
6. In the North-Westerly direction
may all beings be free from suffering
7. In the North-Easterly direction
may all beings be free from suffering
8. In the South-Westerly direction
may all beings be free from suffering
9. In the Below direction
may all beings be free from suffering
10. In the Above direction
may all beings be free from suffering
Repeat 10 directions for all living things, all creatures, all individuals, all personalities, all female kinds, all male kinds, all nobles, all common folk, all deities, all humans and all unhappy states.

Once the Deva king Sakka asked the Buddha, "Why do beings who wish to be free from anger and ill-will, who do not want to quarrel and be ill-treated, who pray for happiness, peace and freedom, are yet not free from danger and suffering?"
The Buddha's answer was that all these conflicts, hatred, dangers and suffering are because of envy and miserliness.
One who is envious is one who wants to be happier than another but cannot. People like that also cannot stand others who are happier than themselves. Miserliness also does not want another to have a share in one's happiness and does not want another to be as happy as oneself. The result is a lot of fighting and quarrelling. These have their roots in anger and anger stems from greed and ignorance.

Equanimity is a perfect, unshakable balance of mind, rooted in insight. But in its perfection and unshakable nature equanimity is not dull, heartless and frigid. Its perfection is not due to an emotional "emptiness," but to a "fullness" of understanding, to its being complete in itself. Its unshakable nature is not the immovability of a dead, cold stone, but the manifestation of the highest strength.

Mercy is patient.
Mercy is forever.
Mercy is forgiveness.
Mercy is a kind.
Mercy has no hatred.
Mercy has no caste system.
Mercy has no skin color.
It does not envy. It does not get angry.

วิจัยโดย- Myoma Myint Kywe   (มิวม่า มิตร จอย)   
นักเขียนและนักประวัติศาสตร์และหัวหน้าครู ของคาราเต้ 


Myoma Myint Kywe, Myoma Myint Kywe articles 2014, Karate Myint, Buddhism, Buddha BC 623, Buddha articles 2014, Buddhism booksie, Booksie Myoma Myint Kywe,
ၿမိဳ ႔မ ျမင့္ၾကြယ္ ၿမိဳ ႔မ- ျမင့္ၾကြယ္ Metta 2014, About Metta 2014, Metta articles 2014, Metta Is Essential (Metta ist wichtig), มิวม่า มิตร จอย    เมตตา Burmese Buddhism 2014, Burmese Buddhism articles, Theravada Buddhism articles, Theravada Buddhism 2014, Theravada monks 2014, Metta in Theravada Buddhism, Buddha and Metta, Metta meditation 2014 article, What is metta in Buddhism, what is Buddhism 2014, Myint Kywe, Myint Buddhism, Myoma Myint Kywe 2014, Articles of Myoma Myint Kywe, Buddha was born in BC 623, Buddhist philosophy 2014, Buddhism logic,